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Poverty, Inequality & Development Cooperation 이미지

Poverty, Inequality & Development Cooperation

Course Description

Course contents/objectives

Although the global community has successfully achieved the first goal of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), halving extreme poverty by pulling people out of poverty traps, there are still many people living under the poverty line. In line with this, distribution, or income inequality between people, regions, and countries are becoming wider and wider. When we consider the widening gap between countries, we need to pay attention to the last goal of the MDGs, Partnership, which should be a rationale of the development cooperation. Over the course, students will

- answer some questions, like, what do we mean by poverty line and poverty trap? How to measure poverty and inequality? What are the challenges and opportunities of development cooperation? What is the stance of South Korea as an emerging donor of ODA? What are the challenges and opportunities of development cooperation? What is the stance of South Korea as an emerging donor of the official development assistance?
- look into theories, empirical data, and read academic journals and books (all written in English) to answer those questions.
- obtain tips for pursuing careers in this field, including international organizations

Course Schedule

 Overview: Poverty, Growth, and Inequality
Discussion Question / Quiz
Discussion Question / Quiz
Discussion Question / Quiz
 Development Cooperation 1
 Development Cooperation 2
Discussion Question / Quiz
 Final Exam
Final Exam

Course Management Team


Professor Jinhwan Oh
Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
Best E-Class (International Trade, Spring 2015), Ewha Womans University
Recognition, Outstanding Teaching Record, Department of Economics, Cornell University, 2009

Course Support Team

Course TA
Hyeji Jang | Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University
Course Support Office
Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Ewha Womans University
E-mail: ewhamooc@gmail.com

Course Details

Evaluation System

Evaluation System
Assignment Quiz Discussion Question Final Exam
ratio 60% (12% x 5 times) 16% (4% x 4 times) 24%
※ If you get more than 60% of the total, you can get a certificate of completion.
  • - Quizzes: There are five multiple-choice-type quizzes based on the lessons for each week.
  • - Discussion Questions: There are four sets of discussion questions on each topic - overview, poverty, inequality, and development cooperation.
  • - Final Exam: Cumulative

관련 강좌

현재 강좌와 관련있는 강좌를 찾을 수 없습니다.
  1. 분야

  2. 강좌 내용의 어려운 수준을 의미합니다. 교양, 전공기초, 전공심화 순으로 난이도가 증가합니다.


  3. 강좌를 개발하고 운영하는 기관입니다. 컨소시엄으로 운영 시, 대표기관의 명칭이 나타납니다


  4. 운영 기관의 전화번호 입니다.


  5. 강좌의 구성 주차 수를 의미합니다. (강좌를 충실히 학습하기 위해 필요한 주당 학습시간을 의미합니다.)

    (주간 학습 권장 시간)

    (주당 01시간 15분)
  6. 본 강좌 이수자에게 인정되는 학습시간으로 해당 강좌의 동영상, 과제, 시험, 퀴즈, 토론 등의 시간을 포함합니다. (강의 내용과 관련된 동영상 재생 시간의 총 합계입니다.)

    (총 동영상시간)

    06시간 30분
    (06시간 30분)
  7. 수강신청이 가능한 기간으로 해당 기간 내에만 수강신청이 가능합니다.

    수강 신청 기간

    2021.11.01 ~ 2021.11.08
  8. 강좌가 운영되고 교수지원이 이루어지는 기간입니다. 이수증은 강좌운영기간이 종료된 이후에 발급받을 수 있습니다.

    강좌 운영 기간

    2021.11.01 ~ 2021.11.08
  9. 자막 언어
