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Cultural Psychology 이미지

Cultural Psychology

Course introduction(강의소개)

The goal of this course is to cover the current theories, concepts and advances in cultural psychology.

This course will examine the theoretical and scientific foundation of cultural psychology by providing the scientific foundation of modern psychology articulated by Wilhelm Wundt, the father of modern psychology. It will outline the development of cultural psychology by reviewing the physical, biological and cultural sciences traditions.

The course will also examine the influence of ecology and cultural adaptation of subsistent economies (hunting and gathering societies and agricultural societies), cultural change and transformation (renaissance, industrialization and modernization).

This course will be provide the definition of culture and cultural differences. It will examine the influences of religion and philosophy from Western and Eastern perspectives.

This course will examine substantive areas of cultural psychology: 1) the religious and philosophical influences and indigenous Korean concepts (jung, chemyon, han), 2) substantive areas in psychology (parent-child relationship, conception of self, child development and social behavior, and 3) application of cultural psychology in the areas of educational achievement, stress, health and quality of life, organizational behavior, leadership, and economic development and political behavior, human rights, democracy, and social capital.

The course will emphasize the importance of understanding human creativity and innovations that have transformed our lives and our understanding of ourselves and our culture.

Instructional Objectives(수업목표)

This will examine substantive areas in cultural psychology: Development psychology (parent-child relationship and child development), social psychology (values of children, the self and sociocognitive theory), indigenous psychology (Korean concepts), educational psychology (academic achievement and delinquent behavior), health psychology (stress, happiness and quality of life), organizational psychology (organizational behavior, teamwork and leadership), political psychology (democracy and political culture), and sociological social psychology (trust and social capital) and economic psychology (Korean economy and national development).

Standard For Complete a Course(이수기준)

- A final grade over 60 is needed to pass this course(60점 이상 시 이수증 발급)

Cultural Psychology_Standard For Coplete a Course
Quiz(퀴즈)Discussion(토론)Final exam(최종평가)Total(합계)
50% 20% 30% 100%

Weekly Learning Content(주차 강의 내용)

Cultural Psychology_Weekly Learning Content
Introduction Quiz, Discussion(1)
2 Scientific foundation of psychology Quiz
3 Creativity explosion and human potential Quiz
4 Subsistent economy and traditional culture Quiz
5 Controling the environment and a new worldview Quiz
6 Definition of culture and cultural differences Quiz
7 Culture and self Quiz, Discussion(2)
8 Indigenous Korean concepts and values Quiz
9 School, educational achievement and delinquency Quiz
10 Stress, happiness and quality of life Quiz, Discussion(3)
11 Organizational culture and behavior Quiz
12 Creativity in organizations Quiz, Discussion(4)
13 Leadership Quiz
14 Political culture, trust and social capital Quiz
15 Final Exam

Course Staff(운영진)

 김지선 TA

Jisun Kim(jisun574@naver.com)

Master's degree students, College of Education, Inha University

Course Materials(강의교재)

Kim, U., Yang, K. S., & Hwang, K. K. (2006). Indigenous and cultural psychology: Understanding people in context. New York: Springer. Articles from this book and other readings will be made available and can be download from the webapge.

Contact Information

INHA MOOC Center(mooc@inha.ac.kr)

관련 강좌

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  4. 강좌의 구성 주차 수를 의미합니다. (강좌를 충실히 학습하기 위해 필요한 주당 학습시간을 의미합니다.)

    (주간 학습 권장 시간)

    (주당 03시간 00분)
  5. 본 강좌 이수자에게 인정되는 학습시간으로 해당 강좌의 동영상, 과제, 시험, 퀴즈, 토론 등의 시간을 포함합니다. (강의 내용과 관련된 동영상 재생 시간의 총 합계입니다.)

    (총 동영상시간)

    (17시간 30분)
  6. 수강신청이 가능한 기간으로 해당 기간 내에만 수강신청이 가능합니다.

    수강 신청 기간

    2017.10.12 ~ 2018.01.21
  7. 강좌가 운영되고 교수지원이 이루어지는 기간입니다. 이수증은 강좌운영기간이 종료된 이후에 발급받을 수 있습니다.

    강좌 운영 기간

    2017.10.16 ~ 2018.01.28